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Until you've mastered the language of gratitude, you'll never
be on speaking terms with happiness.  
-- Author Unknown
Since Thanksgiving is a time when we're reminded to be grateful for all the
good that's come our way, I thought it would be appropriate to do a little
research on appreciation.  I was surprised to find that so many studies have
been conducted on the subject of gratitude and that the results of the
these studies appear to be so thoroughly unanimous.  Research has shown
that gratitude can have a profound effect on our physical and psychological
well-being.  It seems that gratitude is good for us.  In fact, very good.
Here are a few of the reported benefits:

Increased energy
Fewer health problems
Improved sleep
More relaxed
More optimistic
More spiritual
Happier memories
Less envious
Increased self-esteem
More social
Better relationships
Improved decision-making
Today, I am Thankful
Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter those transcendent
moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.
-- John Milton
Be gracious,
Be encouraging,
Be kind,
But, most of all,
Be grateful.
-- Carole Herriot
Appreciation is the purest vibration that exists on the planet today.
-- Abraham Hicks
The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an
extent that it changes the world you see.  
-- Robert Holden
The Gratitude List

I've started keeping a gratitude list.  You might like to make one, too.
 The following
ideas on how to get started came from
a site that is no longer available,
Why a Gratitude List Can Change Your Life and How to Make One."

1. Start small - In the beginning, set a goal to write down 5 things you're grateful for each day.

2. Write in complete sentences - Make each item a sentence that begins, "I'm grateful for..."
so that the people or things you mention are associated with thankfulness.

3. Choose a place - Keep your list in a convenient place, so it’s easy to refer to it. You can
use a notebook or a notepad program on your computer or phone.

4. Decide if you want to share - You may want to keep your list private or you might consider
exchanging your gratitude list with a few like-minded friends by way of e-mail every day.

5.  No time like the present - Start your list now, this Thanksgiving season, when gratitude is
on your mind.
Colorful notes cover a school wall in Oklahoma - individual
expressions of gratitude from students and staff.